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Literature Review

See the kete of research we have behind the Telling Your Stories Project and the academic foundation pedagogical storytelling has. 

Storytelling and oral language - Te kōrero pūrakau me te reo ā-waha

This is an article from the resource Te Kōrerorero – Talking Together (Te Whāriki) and it looks at the importance and the skills needed to share cultural stories in an ECE setting.

Storytelling and oral language - Te kōrero pūrakau me te reo ā-waha

27 Feb 2024

Introduction to TESA. Teaching Expertise Scaffold and Analytic

Story and links to community learning is well evidenced through the research of Incept Lab.

Introduction to TESA. Teaching Expertise Scaffold and Analytic

15 Oct 2021

Social, cultural, and ecological justice in the age the Anthropocene: A New Zealand early childhood care and education perspective

This an important article that addresses our continued need to implement ethical pedagogies across all our curriculum.

Social, cultural, and ecological justice in the age the Anthropocene: A New Zealand early childhood care and education perspective

30 Jul 2020

Navigating the Stars, Māori Creation Myths

From master storyteller Witi Ihimaera, a spellbinding and provocative retelling of traditional Maori myths for the twenty-first century.

Navigating the Stars, Māori Creation Myths

1 Jan 2020


An article from Decolonizing research: indigenous storywork as methodology.


21 Aug 2019

Naming our names and telling our stories

A excerpt from Decolonizing Research: Indigenous Storywork as Methodology.

Naming our names and telling our stories

21 Aug 2019

Kaupapa Kōrero: a Māori cultural approach to narrative inquiry

This article unpacks the importance of Kaupapa Kōrero with a view to research methodologies.

Kaupapa Kōrero: a Māori cultural approach to narrative inquiry

4 Dec 2017

What our ancestors knew: Teaching and learning through storytelling

An Article from the Spring edition of New Directions for Adult Learning. While this research is set in the adult learning sector there are strong connections to Kōrero Paki philosophy.

What our ancestors knew: Teaching and learning through storytelling

31 Aug 2016

Developing cohesion and building positive relationships through storytelling in a culturally diverse New
Zealand classroom

This research is situated in a secondary context and it provides robust evidence that teachers were able to use the storytelling process to foster empathy, compassion, tolerance and respect for difference.

Developing cohesion and building positive relationships through storytelling in a culturally diverse New
Zealand classroom

31 Dec 2010

Tuamaka: The Challenge of Difference in Aotearoa New Zealand

“Kōrero Pūrākau’ (first delivered 1971) demonstrates a commitment to convincing historians that Māori oral history should be taken seriously and without it we are missing half of our national history.”

Tuamaka: The Challenge of Difference in Aotearoa New Zealand

31 May 2010

Storycatcher: Making sense of our lives through the power and practice of story

This publication is a detailed documentation of the power of story in our lives and how stories can be leveraged to empower communities.

Storycatcher: Making sense of our lives through the power and practice of story

27 Nov 2007

Storytelling in the classroom: Enhancing traditional Oral skills for teachers and pupils

This is a useful text book that was referred to in the development of the PLD for teachers.

Storytelling in the classroom: Enhancing traditional Oral skills for teachers and pupils

28 Feb 2007

"Telling tales": the teaching of American history through storytelling

Storytelling as a strategy is an art, but one that has a huge payoff if done properly and consistently.

"Telling tales": the teaching of American history through storytelling

1 Sept 2005

Using storytelling to enhance student learning

This is a useful guidebook for the development of effective storytelling pedagogy.

Using storytelling to enhance student learning

30 Apr 2003

Time & the art of Māori storytelling

The Journal of New Zealand Studies. Dame Joan Metge work has influenced the development of Kōrero Paki extensively. As a social anthropologist, she has made significant contribution to the landscape of cross-cultural communication in Aotearoa.

Time & the art of Māori storytelling

31 Dec 1998

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